
You find yourself in a massive room, and here there are countless texts and artifacts about a world that both is yet never was. Just touching the artifacts of this place has the truths they contain echo within your mind.

A great arched doorway leads back to the dark halls.


A large slab of stone stands before the entrance of this great room. Upon it in golden lettering is a message describing the purpose of this place.

A long running project of mine has been breaking down the countless autistic notes on my TTRPG setting, known as Returning Fate and in game as Seandomhn, and making something coherent from them that can actually provide a setting document. This has proven, frankly, to be way too much work. So instead I have chosen a new approach. I will instead rebuild the setting from nearly nothing, fleshing it out from what I consider to be the most distinct and important details, and then simply link people to this page as needed. Part of this rebuilding means that certain details and events of previous campaigns will be lost, and anything in an on going campaign will continue forward with an odd continuity if anything that they previously included, for some reason, got purged. That said, I will be including certain key details from a collection of previous campaigns.

Also here will be the mechanical details of that which is unique to the setting as needed. For simplicity's sake I will be writing everything with the assumption that it is for Pathfinder Second Edition, as that is the primary fantasy TTRPG system that I run. If I write something for another system it will be flagged appropriately, but anything that seems like it is mechanics and isn't labelled as belonging to one system or another should be assumed to be for PF2e. I will also look into the construction of a FoundryVTT module for these entries.

I haven't quite decided on how this place will be structured yet, nor how navigation between the subjects within will look, but I do intend for there to be easy linking between related topics as it starts to fill out more. For now, please enjoy whatever is here, and know that I intend to expand this as time goes on.

Fragmented Records

At the back of the room there is a table covered in fragments of records from Seandomhn. The context and veracity of these fragments is unknown.

The is a clear path to the table, and you can easily pick up and read any of them, should it catch your eye.


Along the walls on the edge of the repository great murals depict the myths and legends of Seandomhn.

You can easily see each mural as you wander the repository, nothing prevents you from simply walking up to one of the murals should it catch you fancy.